
Digital Repeater

Digital Repeater

      Digital repeater consists of controlling digital repeater, power supply 12VDC with an option for battery charge, a transceiver 160/450MHz, housing(box) IP55 for outdoor installation.
      The functional use of the specialized digital repeater is receiving, verification, restoring, resending of signals from transmitters and synchronization with other repeaters. The use of this repeater is justified by providing radio coverage on a large area with complex topography and securing a larger area for radio coverage.
      Functional parameters of the digital repeater:

  •  Control of the power supply of the repeater;
  •  Blocked radio input of the receiver;
  •  Control of the normal operation of the radio receiver;
  •  Standard alarm inputs;
  •  Opportunity for repeating a group of objects – 4 groups;
  •  Option for a particular group of objects not to be repeated – 4 groups;
  •  Built-in alarm input for self-guarding;
  •  Input for intelligent monitoring of the AC voltage;
  •  Intelligent protection of the transmitter;
  •  Intelligent system for synchronization of digital repeaters, operating on the same radio frequency;
  •  Intelligent monitoring of battery condition;
  •   Enables collaboration with other digital repeaters and Alarm Monitoring Station for security through radio channel;

      Technical parameters of digital repeater

  • Power supply                                                                                         from +10 VDC to +15 VDC
  • Electricity consumption   normal/transmission                                          0.12A/1.5A
  • Buffer for received messages                                                                  32  
  • Sensitivity of the input signal                                                                   0,22 uV
  • Operating temperature                                                                          -25C° to +50C°
  • Product dimensions                                                                               35x80x160 mm
  • Number of controllable objects                                                              8191
  • Time for controlling blocked radio channel(adjustable)                            20 sec
  • Time for controlling silent radio channel(adjustable)                                10 min
  • Time for filtering received messages                                                        2 min 30 sec
  • Time for protecting its own transmitter                                                    4 sec
  • Indication of conditions                                                                          LED
  • Transmitter output HF power-50W                                                       5/10W
  • Frequency spacing                                                                                25/12.5 KHz
  • Frequency deviation                                                                              according to the standard
  • Working radio protocols                                                                       LARS, KEL780, LBS, KEL784
  • Product guarantee                                                                                 24 months