Alarm Monitoring System for security through GSM channel
Alarm Monitoring System for security through GSM channel
The Alarm Monitoring System for security through GSM channel is realized in individual box and allows autonomous operation without PC or dispatching security software.
Technical parameters of the Alarm Monitoring System through GSM channel:
- Output interface RS232 (standard) - 2 units;
- Buffer of received and unprocessed messages - 8192 messages;
- Number of independent GSM inputs - up to 16;
- Power supply - 12VDC;
- Operation interface RS232 speed – up to 19200 bit/s (adjustable);
- Filtration of received messages - 2.5 minutes;
- Standard output for connection with security dispatching software-SIMSI, SIMSII, LARS, PowerLink, etc.;
- Analysis of the status of GSM channel (GSM network status, status of base GSMs and etc.);
- Work console for entering and deleting objects, creating databases, an opportunity for making inquiries on various criteria, etc.;
- Service mode for system setup parameters;
- Number of serviced objects – up to 10 000;
- Ability to store 64 000 000 (sixty-four million) alarm events on COMPACT FLASH DISK 512MB;
- Option of reprogramming the working parameters of the GSM base receiving station;
- Ability to duplicate alarm messages in the three existing GSM networks-Mtel, Globul and Vivatel;
- Ability to record invalid calls;
- Ability to make reference about the parameters for each object - time activation of the SIM card, number of received SMS, selecting price for a single SMS and others;
- Existence of a database for the status of consumers’ SIM cards;
- The Alarm Monitoring System in the most general case consists of one Control module and Channel modules (from 1 to 16 units). The Control module has the ability to scan, determine the status and collect information from the Channel modules (up to 16 units);
- The Channel module is able to visualize its status - GSM coverage, scanning by the Control module, the status of SIM card, the status of the GSM, the presence of a call, the technical condition of the Channel module and others;
- The Control module can visualize the following conditions: summarized status of the available Channel modules, the presence or absence of technical problems, program mode, status of the connection with the PC and others;